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  • Arco Professional Safety Services Support Jubilee Sailing Trust

    30 November 2020

    Arco Professional Safety Services has joined forces with the Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST) with free consultancy on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and training since 2017. The Trust runs inclusive adventures at sea, including day sails and voyages from its tall ship, SV Tenacious, the only sea-going ship in the world designed, built and sailed by a mixed-ability crew. As a charity, the JST is reliant on donations to run its uniquely accessible ship that can be sailed by a truly diverse crew, including those with disabilities, mental health conditions, long-term health issues and the socially isolated.

    Arco Professional Safety Services, like the JST, places the wellbeing and safety of its people at the forefront of its culture and is delighted to help facilitate such a laudable mission by sharing expertise and equipment. Arco Professional Safety Services has focused on essential working at height training for the charity's permanent crew, as well as consultancy on the equipment used, storage, inspections and rescue provision. Arco Professional Safety Services has adapted its service to cater for the unique features of the ship that make it accessible to all, from the wheelchair lifts and wide decks to guidance tracks for people with visual impairments.

    Ben, a member of JST's voyage crew who is paralysed from the chest down feared the journey would be too much, said:

    "That all changed when I hoisted myself out of my wheelchair up the main mast to the lookout point. When I got to the top absolutely shattered, I heard the whole ship cheer and when I sat there taking in the breath-taking view everything suddenly seemed to click. Gone was the negativity and the constant "I can't do this" rattling around my head."

    Sally, a Vision Rehabilitation Specialist and member of JST's voyage crew, said:

    "For me physically climbing the mast, jumping off the side of the ship, negotiating the top bunk, and human guiding in sometimes exceptional circumstances; pushed me to extend my own ideas of what I thought I could manage."

    Mike Clayton, Equipment Department Manager at Arco Professional Safety Services, said:

    "Everyone deserves a safe place to live and work. Arco Professional Safety Services will continue to support the safe operation of the world's only sea-going accessible tall ship, crucial for delivering inclusive adventures that leave attendees feeling liberated to explore their ability, potential and place in the world."

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  • Arco Supports EMS, the Yorkshire-based Charity on a Mission to Tackle Food and Fuel Poverty

    13 November 2020

    Arco the UK's leading safety company, is supporting local charity, EMS by donating stock to help the charity in its mission to tackle food and fuel poverty in Yorkshire.

    The partnership between Arco and EMS began in early 2020. Throughout the lockdown period, Darren Williamson, Arco's Hygiene Product and Procurement Manager, delivered stock from Arco to EMS to ensure those in need received essential hygiene items. Arco has donated several pallets of hygiene products, including 1x pallet of shower gel sachets, 1x pallet of deodorants and 2x pallets of toothpaste, which EMS supplied to the local community.

    Following the initial wave of donations, EMS reached out to Arco to see if it could help with Christmas boxes for vulnerable residents and community groups. As soon as COVID-19 guidelines permitted a socially distanced visit, John Pickles, EMS Community Growing Coordinator, visited Arco's Waverley Street HQ to meet the team involved and collect the remaining pallets.

    John Pickles, Community Growing Coordinator at EMS, said:

    "We are absolutely thrilled to be able to collect this kind donation from Arco. These hygiene products will be put into packs and distributed to people in Hull during the Christmas period. Arco helped us earlier in the year by providing items that were urgently needed during lockdown. We are delighted to be able to extend our partnership with them and we will ensure that these new products go to residents in Hull who need them most."

    Darren Williamson, Hygiene Category Manager at Arco, said:

    "Statistics have shown that over half of low-income families in the UK have struggled to pay for three or more basic essentials since the COVID-19 outbreak. We're grateful for the opportunity to take part in the circular economy and make a difference to those who need aid the most."

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  • Arco Becomes Core Funder to National Emergencies Trust with £250,000 donation

    04 November 2020

    UK safety expert Arco has joined forces with the National Emergencies Trust (NET), an independent charity that raises and distributes funds at speed during domestic crises, with a major donation to support their core funding. The NET's recent Coronavirus Appeal has raised £94million to support people impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic UK-wide, including the isolated, shielding and vulnerable.

    The quarter of a million-pound donation from Arco towards the NET's core funding, will continue to enable the NET to activate appeals at speed when the worst happens, by preparing and building its fundraising strategies and networks, liaising with the Government and wider sector to ensure policies and processes reflect survivor needs, and collaborating with them to ensure collective and immediate support for survivors.

    Lord Richard Dannatt, Chairman of the National Emergencies Trust, said:

    "We are delighted to welcome Arco to The National Emergencies Trust's Patron's Circle. Their support for our core activities is invaluable, enabling us to develop, prepare and grow so that when the next national disaster arises, we can be ready to launch an appeal at speed, getting vital funds out to those in urgent need. We are hugely grateful for their support."

    Emergencies require rapid response and the NET creates a shared point of reference so that the public can donate to one central organisation, to limit confusion and ensure people receive the help they need quickly. During its recent Coronavirus Appeal, the NET allocated £89million to Community Foundations and other national funding partners across the UK as fairly as possible. In turn, helping to respond to the inequalities faced by the most-at-risk groups in society.

    Arco, now a 'Core Funder' and member of NET's 'Patrons Circle', has been at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19, operating as a key supplier to the NHS, ambulance services, local authorities, other public health bodies and critical industries. This year, Arco's Community Panel also invited employees to apply for 42 one off grants of up to £1,000 on behalf of organisations and charities in their local communities that required vital support or funding during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in donations totalling £41,600 to support local community organisations.

    David Evison, Managing Director of Arco, said:

    "We believe safety is a fundamental human right. This year's emergency has had devastating repercussions for the welfare of our communities, and the NET can channel our determination to help in the best possible way. The £250,000 donation to the NET forms part of Arco's commitment to support good causes each year. Arco is honoured to support the NET's mission to help those affected by a national emergency at their time of greatest need."

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  • Arco Breaks its Fundraising Record for Macmillan Cancer Support

    21 October 2020

    The UK's leading health and safety expert, Arco has raised £17,014 in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Macmillan's Coffee Morning event expected to see a huge income drop this year and it was feared that thousands of cancer patients could miss out on crucial support from a Macmillan nurse in 2021. Arco recognised it was more important than ever to raise money for the charity. This year's fundraising figure is the highest sum to-date that Arco has raised for Macmillan Coffee Mornings. The final figure lifts the total amount Arco has raised to £196,478 in the 15 years the company has supported the coffee morning initiative.

    Colleagues at Arco rallied together, running quizzes and virtual coffee mornings to raise crucial funds for Macmillan. The main fundraising event was the Arco Macmillan Raffle which gained colossal company engagement and was streamed live to colleagues nationwide on the 25th of September. Arco is grateful for the continued support from its suppliers, who donated a generous 63 prizes from experience days to hampers.

    Karen Narey, Campaign Manager for Arco, said:

    "It's heart-breaking that people who have cancer have been unintentionally left behind as COVID-19 has taken priority this year. But this year's record figure is a symbol of hope, not despair. I want to thank everyone at Arco for getting involved to raise money for this great cause, despite the challenges of virtual fundraising. We're so pleased to know our collective efforts can help nurses, families and patients get the support they need."

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  • Industrial Hose Division Relocates to a New £2m Purpose-Built Facility

    08 October 2020

    UK Safety Expert Arco has recently moved its Industrial Hose Division to a new larger facility of 17,500m3, next door to Arco's National Distribution Centre (NDC), on the outskirts of Hull. As one of the UK's biggest industrial hose distributors, the new facility contains a dedicated and comprehensive range of industrial hose solutions suitable for all types of industries and applications.

    As part of Arco's investment programme, the new £2m purpose-built facility provides increased storage capacity as well as improved efficiencies for working and more accessible machinery, allowing for quicker turn-around of customer orders, with the majority of stock lines orders processed in less than 24 hours.

    The new facility also contains a dedicated workroom area, featuring an upstairs mezzanine for small hose assembly with bench top working and a new flexible working space downstairs to enable projects of different sizes and capacities to be accommodated. Significant investment in equipment has allowed the team to add a custom-made test container for pressure testing larger assemblies, alongside two smaller fully contained cabinets, creating a safer working environment for operatives whilst ensuring that all hoses are safe to use for their intended application. The facility also houses an office on-site for its specialist customer service team who offer customers expert guidance on choosing the right hose products, as well as advice on hose safety and relevant legislation.

    Hoses are used in a wide variety of companies in many sectors, from workshops and light manufacturing businesses, to large utilities, heavy manufacturing and offshore drilling operations. The right hose products are essential for efficient operations, as well as for worker safety, so it is important to get the right products, at the right specifications, tested and fit for each application.

    Providing customers with reliable equipment, Arco Industrial Hose Division offers customers access to over 3,000 product lines and over 600,000 meters of hose. Working each year with more than 4,000 trading accounts, the team has over 200 years of industry knowledge enabling them to deliver expert advice on an array of hose products and applications.

    Daniel Frith, Product & Procurement Manager - Industrial Hose, said:

    "The move to this new facility will provide greater storage capacity for our products and a working environment that's more flexible for the team, meaning that we can sustain and even improve upon our current customer service levels, as well as enable our future growth ambitions."

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