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How FLX Works

Personalised programme of exercises to help ease and prevent MSD pain.

The FLX app can help your business reduce the number of sick days lost to MSDs by reducing pain and preventing injury.

Through tailored exercise programmes, the FLX app empowers your employees to manage pain and take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing - all without a referral to a healthcare professional or consultation with a physiotherapist.

Read on to find out how it works or find out how to buy multiple licenses if you're ready to create a happy, healthy, and productive workforce.

How to Use the FLX App

See how the app works in this video:

Employees log into the app, create a profile, then choose from one of two programmes:

  • Pain - for those experiencing pain or injury to specific parts of their body
  • Biomechanics - for those fit and free of known issues or injuries looking to prevent future musculoskeletal issues
Hands holding a phone showing the FLX app asking user to select from the biomechanics and pain programme
  • Screening tests help the app build up a profile of each employee's body structure and function
  • Using each person's biomechanical profile, the app provides tailored exercises
  • All the exercises feature clear step-by-step instructions and can be completed anywhere, at any time with minimal equipment
  • Progress can be tracked on the app and the exercises automatically change in response to the user's progress
  • Once an employee has completed the pain programme, they'll be guided to the biomechanics programme to build-up their overall biomechanical fitness and reduce their risk of future musculoskeletal issues and injuries

Example Exercise

Each exercise programme on the app has been designed to ease pain or improve musculoskeletal health.

All recommended exercises are provided with step-by-step, illustrated instructions and videos.

Watch the video below featured in the FLX app to see an exercise which can help to address back and neck pain.

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