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Preventing Back Injuries

Fighting pain for Dorset Fire and Rescue Service

  • 52% reduction in days lost to back pain
  • Across 13 months 70% of assessments were back-related issues
  • Most participants quickly made significant progress
  • Only 3 participants out of 480 regressed to pre-screen levels after 8 months

When Dorset Fire and Rescue Service began using the FLX programme across 480 of their workers, days lost due to low back pain were reduced by an impressive 52%.

A 12-month review study compared data from a 3-month period in the year before screening was introduced, with the same 3 months in the year screening was introduced.

A Culture of Injury Prevention

The progressive nature of the screening process made it easier to decide when an individual was ready to return to work.

"The system has enabled us to screen staff, both as a means of injury prevention and rehabilitation. It is hoped by doing this we can improve the biomechanics of all our staff and introduce a culture of injury prevention which is important for staff morale and maintaining crewing levels. In terms of injury prevention, I am convinced the exercises will have a positive effect on preventing back pain and other musculoskeletal discomfort." - Physical Education Officer, Dorset Fire & Rescue Service

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